Buff - Combed Finex Muslin Leather Center
Combed Finex Muslin Buff with leather center for use with rouge to produce a high finish. Single row stitching for a loose end. Available in several configurations - price varies by style and will update in cart.
in stock
SKU 171.783
Loose, 1 row, 3" to 8" diameter, 35-55 ply.
- 171.771 3" diameter, 35 ply, 1 stitched row.
- 171.773 4" diameter, 30 ply, 1 stitched row. sold out
- 171.774 4" diameter, 40 ply, 1 stitched row.
- 171.775 5" diameter, 45 ply, 1 stitched row.
- 171.776 6" diameter, 50 ply, 1 stitched row. - Special Order Only
- 171.777 8" diameter, 55 ply, 1 stitched row.
- 171.781 4" diameter, 60 ply, 1 stitched row.
- 171.782 5" diameter, 50 ply, 1 stitched row.
- 171.783 5" diameter, 54 ply, 1 stitched row.
- 171.784 6" diameter, 54 ply, 1 stitched row.
SKU 171.777 is available special order only - please allow 5 to 7 business days for delivery. All other SKUs are in stock and ready for immediate delivery.