Buff - Muslin Yellow Chemkote Leather Center
Narrow "Knife Edge" buff. A more aggressive, treated muslin helps to remove surface scratches from work. Available in several sizes and styles. Price varies and will update in cart.
in stock
SKU 171.563
Stitched in 2 to 8 rows, 3" to 6" diameter, 9 or 12 ply.
- 171.563 5" diameter, 12-ply, 7 stitched rows.
- 171.560 4" diameter, 12-ply, 5 stitched rows.
- 171.561 6" diameter, 12-ply, 8 stitched rows.
SKU 171.562 is available special order only - please allow 5 to 7 business days for delivery. All other sizes are in stock and ready for immediate delivery.
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