Greiner Timometer 4500 |

Greiner Timometer 4500 - Out of Stock

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The Greiner Timometer 4500 is used in the calibration of timing devices.

The Greiner Timometer 4500's projected delivery time is now July/August 2025. 

Any additional information regarding the Timometers will appear here as it becomes available. 

Posted: 2/28/2025 

SKU 590.958


  • Highly accurate time standard that utilizes oscillating crystal technology and an acoustic pickup microphone.
  • Calibrates timing devices including quartz, mechanical and LCD stopwatches using new technology (DFC, ESATUNING, etc.).
  • Traceable to NIST standard (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
  • Capable of both "as found" and "as left" conditions.
  • Easy touch-key operation.
  • Accuracy 0.03 sec/day.
  • Metrology.
  • Made in Germany.

For product inquiries please call 1-800-487-0408 and ask for the Tool Department.

Financing available through ACG Equipment Finance.

How to Use

Complete operating instructions included.

Performs all acoustic, capacitive, inductive, and display test operations for quartz watches with digital frequency correction (DFC), and also measures the rate of all standard mechanical watches. Test clocks using a connected digital multi-tester TT-4500. Touch-key function entry. Colored light diode indicators. LCD cycle time and cycle state indicator.

Additional Shipping Charges Apply.

Cas-Ker Co.
2550 Civic Center Drive | Cincinnati, OH 45231 | CALL 800-487-0408 | FAX 800-487-5848 | Cincinnati 513-674-7700
