Cas-Ker Professional Watch and Jewelry Supplies for Professional Watchmakers and Jewelers 1-800-487-0408 or (513) 674-7700



Featured Items

Cas-Ker Co. is a full service distributor to professional jewelers and watchmakers, serving the industry for more than 90 years.

To place your order, call over the phone, or order through our website.

We no longer accept walk-in orders or in-person orders, it must be done over the phone or website. 

Click the Search box at the top right corner of the page to find the items you need.

We also have an extensive watch material inventory that is not on our site at this time. For assistance please  Call 1-800-487-0408Call (513) 674-7700, or Fax 1-800-487-5848.

Phones Open: Monday - Thursday 8:30AM - 7:00PM Eastern (6:00PM Central | 5:00PM Mountain | 4:00PM Pacific), Open Friday (All Time Zones) 8:00AM - 5:00PM Eastern.
Cincinnati Will Call (Pick up only) Open: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 3:00PM.

Holiday Phone Hours-

CLOSED Memorial Day

OPEN 8AM-5PM EST- July 3rd

CLOSED July 4th

CLOSED Labor Day

OPEN 8AM-5PM EST- Wednesday, November 27

CLOSED for THANKSGIVING - Thursday, November 28, Friday, November 29

CLOSED for CHRISTMAS December 24-25

OPEN 8AM-5PM EST - New Year's Eve


We stock thousands of quality products for professional watchmakers and jewelers. Our inventory may be the world's largest selection of horological and jewelers' products including watch parts, batteries, jewelers' and watchmakers' tools and supplies, findings, watchbands, gift boxes, and more. We're your one-stop-shop for everything from top-of-the-line precision tools to vintage watch parts that can't be found anywhere else.

Cas-Ker Co.
2550 Civic Center Drive | Cincinnati, OH 45231 | CALL 800-487-0408 | FAX 800-487-5848 | Cincinnati 513-674-7700
